Wayback Machine

These five questions came to me from Stan! when I was in an odd headspace. I think I’m ready to answer them now.

For those who do not recall the rules, Ask me for five questions, and I’ll give you the real things I want to know about you. Post them in your own space, along with these rules, and learn more about the people in your digital neighborhood.

1. Gaming, sex, baseball … if your life was going to be rewritten and one of these had to be removed entirely, which would you choose and why? (What if baseball was replaced by cycling?)

I’m going to pick the one that never saved my life. Sex. As decidedly gender biased as I am (all man, baby), sex is just one of many things I am capable of, and it’s not always a desired (or necessary) outcome of a relationship. In fact, only one of the Four makes that particular list at all, although all of them had the option. I just don’t think it necessary for a realized relationship between two beings.

I’m not entirely convinced I need a body either, so take this with a grain of salt.

2. Having been as successful as you have been with your dietary/healthy lifestyle regimen, and as happy as you seem to be with the way your life is currently going, do you regret not having made these adjustments sooner?

Oddly enough, no. I got a lot out of being a “big” guy. For starters, I finally looked like a member of my mother’s family. My reasons for the deceleration were entirely personal, and seem to have been borne out in the last few months.

It seems to really be paying off now, and that’s a good thing. Jury’s till out on the long term damage done by the decade + 1/2 of dissipation, but it was worth it to me at the time.

3. Edward Gorey, Charles Adams, or Gahan Wilson? Why?

I only know one of those names (Gorey), and it’s not my favorite style of satire. I have one here in the Temple , and it is within sight of my desk. But it’s a gift I never got around to giving, and that individual chose a life of “not-bhagwan” shortly after I picked it up.

4. Provided that time travel was 100% safe and you didn’t have to worry about “temporal paradoxes” or any such thing, but once you “jump” you can never “jump back,” would you rather: a) Jump back 25 years with all your current knowledge of future events; b) Jump ahead 25 years; c) Stay where and when you are? Why?

If I have to go today, I’m going back. If I get to wait four years, I’m going forward. But the question for me is, should I return, am I in my body then, or my body now? If it’s a psychic journey only, I’m not sure I’d make the trip.

5. What’s the best single piece of advice you wish someone had given you sooner?

“question everything.” Now that I do, my life is simpler.

Also of merit,

“tell her”

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