Message 0

The following Rules update came from Commisioner Dale, a day before the draft.


We getting down to it; our Roto Draft is only about 24 hours away. It starts @ 5 pm Pacific time, tomorrow, Friday, 4/2, via MSN Messenger. Rich and I will be together at WotC and I'll be happy to answer questions as they come up, but if you still have issues you don't understand, feel free to ask away as a reply to this message and one of the veteran owners or myself will help you along as best we can.

Here's the Draft Order one more time (yes, this means you, Rich):

  • #1 - Red Sox
  • #2 - Astros
  • #3 - Cubs
  • #4 - Braves
  • #5 - Cards
  • #6 - Angels
  • #7 - Phils
  • #8 - M's

    Here's the scoring breakdowns one more time:


  • AB -0.5
  • 1b 3
  • 2b 4
  • 3b 5
  • HR 6
  • bb 1.5
  • SB 1
  • CS -2


  • IP 4.5
  • W 3
  • L -3
  • S 2
  • GF 1
  • H -2.5
  • bb -1
  • HR -3

You'll draft a standard Roto team to fill the following positions:

You must fill all positions and keep all positions filled.

You cannot draft directly to the DL. At the end of the 19 rounds of the draft, every roster spot on each team must be occupied.

After the Draft is over, a grace period extending until 11:59 pm on Tuesday, 4/6, allows players on the DL (in reality) to be placed on our DLs free of charge. Further, all transactions:

are also free of charge during this period. Transactions will be handled strictly on a first-come, first-served basis. As of 12:00 am Wednesday, 4/7, any transactions received by me will incur the normal charges.

These charges are:

There's also the $20 "owners' fee" for the league. All money is due at season's end.

I will prepare a report for the league at least once a month, as close to the beginning of the month as possible. Only your final score counts, so don't get bent out of shape if you get stats through June 4th instead of June 1st. You can notify me of transactions at any time, and I will do my best to execute them within 24 hours. If two managers call me and ask for the same guy, it's first-come, first-served.

I may have to declare a "transaction blackout" at some point in the season for when I'm out of town. For example, in August I'll be at GenCon, so I'll probably black out a week or so there. I will always let everyone know if I'm going to do that at least a week in advance.

Eligibility: The Draft Pool determines where a position player you draft can go initially. Example: When the Bosox (razzin', frazzzin') pick A-Rod, Jim can place him at 3b, CI (corner infield), or MI (middle infield), thanks to the "(ss)" eligibility note next to his name.

If a position player appears at a new position (one not listed on the Draft Pool) at least 5 times during the season, the owner of that player may petition the Commish for a new eligibility. The owner must cite verifiable proof to support his or her petition.

Infielders (those on the Infielder list) can play any of the 4 INF positions, plus CI and MI.

Pitchers work a bit differently. No one listed as a Starting Pitcher in the Draft Pool can be drafted to a Relief Pitcher roster position. Relief Pitchers can be drafted from the RP list, the SS/LR list, and the Pitcher list. Any pitcher can be drafted into your LR/SS position (most owners draft an SP there for a fifth starter).

Two overarching eligibility rules: 1) Reasonable expectations and the judgment of the Commish also play a role here. If a RP gets a start or 2 just because an SP on his real team is on the 15-day DL, I may not ask you to adjust your roster. If an RP is moved into the rotation and there's evidence to support he's going to stay there for the rest of the season, I likely will ask you to adjust your roster to reflect this change. Normal charges apply to requested changes.

2) The All-Star Correction. At the All-Star break, I'll ask all the owners to review their rosters for eligibility issues. Example: The Cards have Pujols in an OF spot. That's fine for now; he played there all last year. But, if at the All-Star break, Pujols has not appeared in the OF at least 5 times, the Cards will be asked to move him to a position he's eligible for (1b or CI). Also, if A-Rod hasn't played at ss all year, he loses that eligibility. Normal charges apply.

One final note: Leon pointed out there's 2 "Tony Womack" listings on the Draft Pool. The one that lists him as a 2b for STL is correct. Cross out and ignore the listing under Infield for BOS. Sorry about that.

Hit back with any questions or concerns. Let's try to clear up anything like this -before- the draft, so we can do that as quickly as possible.

Expect the draft to take about 3 hours. About halfway through, I will call a 10-minute break so everyone can stretch, get new sodas, get rid of old sodas, and so on.

Thanks and I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow afternoon. Let's play some ball!

Commish Dale

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