Not just because I live here, but because of the men that wear the uniforms. I've liked the Mariners as an AL team since I first moved to the Pacific Northwest. Mainly because they were the only games I could get on the radio, but also because of the amazing broadcast team. Were I to move again, I would still like the Mariners, especially in this enlightened age of all access cable sports. Most of the men who put on the Seattle uniform came to play the game well, worked hard every day, and went home satisfied that they did their best. Some, did not, but they had other ways to draw the fans to them. Others have been some of the most wretched ballplayers ever to put on a pair of spikes. But hey, I grew up liking the Padres. Go figure.
Although they are not always a wise roto pick, rooting for the local boys on several levels always makes the game that much more special. Of course, the "roto" M's are hampered in that they play in the toughest division in the league, and many of the game's great hitters and pitchers are play for the 4 teams that make up the AL west. So, here is the current roster for my roto team. May Fay vincent have mercy on my soul. |
And here's the team I drafted. |
A pretty brutal ending salary of $293, but I came in way under what the Red Sox have spent (Nomah, A-Rod, Sheff, et al). We'll know in a few days, when the dust settles. On the bright side, there's no salary cap, and the $ come into play in our league by transaction. **UPDATE** (4/07/04) Breaking with tradition, (and my vow not to do so), I made a move today. Dropped Todd Hollandsworth (who apears to be a pinch hitter at best for the year, despite his great performance in the Post-Season), and picked up Tony Clark (1b, of), who should be a solid 1b/of in the Yankee dynasty, when Giambi's Steroid-enhanced knee finally explodes for good. |