DATE: 2 June 2004 FROM: Jim Lowder TO: League Owners RE: ROTO STANDINGS THROUGH 6/1 Here, at long last, is the initial standings and draft pool. For the first-timers on the league, I’ll note that at this point last year I was 400+ points from the front, in last place. I won the league by a fair margin. A lot can happen in the next couple of months. With all the injuries to heavy hitters that have happened so far—and continue to pile up—this is going to be an interesting season. And we are only a quarter of the way through. I’ll also note that this is my first time running the league, so let me know if you spot any goofiness in the points report. This was done late at night, so pardon any screw-ups. The Cards report has a blank roster spot, awaiting their OF draft. But Anderson’s points have been counted. There’s also an updated roster and draft pool attached. Both the Cards and the Astros have drafts pending. And here are our standings so far:
I’m figuring this will be the last point in the season at which I lead, what with the sucking void that is my third starter spot and, with Ordonez headed to the DL this week, four of my bats gathering dust. If anyone would like the report to include other summaries, let me know and I’ll work them in if I have time. I’ll generate another report at the end of June. Just a minor heads up. If you've made roster moves, some of the point totals on the tally sheets might be off slightly (+/- a game's stats), in the hitter/pitch adds and subtracts areas. I'll recheck all of these and they'll be correct for the next update--which I'll try to generate the week of the 21st or the 28th, and then do another in mid-July at All Star. Rules notes/reminders: * At All-Star break, all players in all positions must be eligible at their positions based upon play this year. That means 5 appearances for position players and 3 for pitchers. With the late June roster report, I'll flag what eligibility issues I catch. Owners will have until the end of the All Star break to move or cut players that aren't eligible for positions, or they will be dropped from your roster and the space left open until you draft a replacement. * Players can be placed on the roto DL if they have missed 5 consecutive games, even if they are not on the real DL, but the cost will be the same. In this instance, the player must be moved from your DL within 5 games after his first appearance in a real game. Where players are on the real DL and they are activated, the owner has five days from activation to move the player. Cutting a player directly from the DL is free (the $3 covers all movement of the DLed player). Let me know if you have any other specific questions. Cheers, Jim Lowder |