
This page hosts the food descriptions and preparation instructions for my most successful menu. Please note that while I no longer choose to eat meat, this menu did work wonders for me, and I fully endorse it. As of this writing, there’s not a single item you cannot replicate with a meat or dairy substitute, including the tuna salad


Flavored Oatmeal
Either pre-flavored or plain oatmeal is allowed (for example, you may purchase “maple and brown sugar” flavored oatmeal if you wish). You may use either non fat milk or water to prepare oatmeal, but if milk is used then please use the minimum amount required. No extra toppings are allowed.

Tuna Salad
Low fat tuna only. Allowable mixing ingredients include non fat mayo, any type of mustard, lettuce, pickles, onions, celery, bell peppers and ANY other type of vegetable that you can think of.

Any type with anything on it. Be smart though since the bigger the hamburger (and the more toppings on it) the more your stomach will fill up fast. Remember, eat to satisfaction but do not stuff yourself full.

Lean Ground Turkey
This particular form of turkey is sold in a “ground beef” type of package — and you cook it just like you would cook a hamburger patty. You can also tear it into little chunks and cook it with diced vegetables for a delicious meal. For example, you can cook it with diced bell peppers, onions and tomatoes if you like.

You may also use any of the condiments shown in the diet rules.

Fruit Salad
Choose between 2-4 of the below fruits and slice into small pieces, place in a small bowl and enjoy (you may also add non fat COOL WHIP if you like).

Allowable fruits:

Kiwi Fruit

There is no minimum or maximum amount of each fruit to use (you choose the portions of each fruit).

Delicious Egg Omelette
Omelette may be filled with any of the following ingredients:

Bell Peppers

*Any other veggies may be added into omelette also.

Boneless and skinless.

You may prepare chicken in any way you like (such as baked, grilled, broiled, etc). You may use Barbecue Sauce if you like. You may also use any other condiments or seasonings mentioned in the diet rules.

Orange and Pineapple Smoothie
Combine the following ingredients into a blender:

4-6 oz. of Orange Juice
1 cup of Non Fat Milk
1/2 Banana
4 Ice Cubes
Several Pineapple Chunks
2 Tablespoons “Vanilla Extract” (as a sweetener)

Blend ingredients and enjoy.

You may withhold any of the above ingredients if you wish, you are not required to use all of the ingredients. You may also use more or less of each ingredient, the above is just a “guideline” and may be changed (you’ll find the right amounts for your own liking by experimenting).

Pastrami Sandwich
You may make a Pastrami Sandwich. You may add any of the condiments shown in the diet rules. You may also eat as much pastrami as you want — but only 2 pieces of bread may be eaten with this meal. The bread should be either “oat” or “bran” bread (bran muffins are not allowed). Big Deli Sandwiches are not allowed, the bread must be normal-sized sliced bread.

Cantaloupe and Melons
This includes Cantaloupe and ANY other type of Melons. There are no limits on how much of this food you may eat (just make sure not to stuff yourself full).

Roast Beef Sandwich
You may make a Roast Beef Sandwich. You may add any of the condiments shown in the diet rules. You may also eat as much roast beef as you want — but only 2 pieces of bread may be eaten with this meal. The bread should be either “oat” or “bran” bread (bran muffins are not allowed). Big Deli Sandwiches are not allowed, the bread must be normal-sized sliced bread.

Mixed Vegetables
Either frozen or fresh vegetables are allowed. You should make sure that at least 3 different vegetables are combined together in the bowl.

Fresh Grapes
This food is self explanatory, no directions are needed other than to say that there are no limits on how much of this food you may eat (just make sure not to stuff yourself full).

Mixed Fruit Plate
Choose at least 3 of the below fruits and slice into small pieces, place in a small bowl and enjoy.

Allowable fruits:


There is no minimum or maximum amount of each fruit to use (you choose the portions of each fruit).

Day of Fruit and Vegetables
For this one day you should eat ONLY 3 MEALS the whole day, not 4 meals.

One meal should be only Mixed Fruit, you may mix ANY fruits together and there is no limit to the number of fruits you may mix together (use at least 3 different fruits minimum).

For the other two meals you should eat Mixed Vegetables, you may mix ANY vegetables together and there is no limit to the number of different vegetables you may mix together (use at least 3 different vegetables minimum). The Fruits and Vegetables can be fresh or frozen (any vegetables or fruits are allowed).

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