April 8

Roll call: Scott Magner, Eric Strand, Anaheim Angels, and some guys in white uniforms

Final Score: Angels 5, Mariners 1: Roof = open

Eric’s first game of the year. Parking problem solved (ha.ha) by parking a mile south in SODO. Of course, 1/2 block northward was cheaper, but by that time, we were in.
We (read “I”) partook of the beef and bun, and the footlong guy came around in the fine afternoon sun later.Advantage: outside vendor. bun was stale, dog was eh.

And the Mariners lost, again. On the bright side, they kept the Angels in single digits for the score. In the dark, hidden corners of life, I took cold comfort
that my roto pitching was not tattooed that day. Of course, my batting took it in the shorts. Woe is me.

Record= Scott 0-3, Eric 0-1