April 16

Roll call: Delaina Dancey, Rich Cassaday, Texas Rangers, (I’m not sure the Mariners showed up for this one)

Final Score: Rangers 5, Mariners 0: Roof = open. Bar = open, Barbeque = undercooked and tasteless

I sent my friends Delaina and Rich to the game, as part of Rich’s birthday extravaganza. Oddly enough, he’s still
my friend, and Delaina is absolutely in love with the seats. (It bears mentioning that both were born in the Seattle area
, and have rooted through the lean years.)

Mariners bats didn’t seem to have made the plane, although the gloves did. Unfortunately, not a lot of balls landed near those gloves, and some landed int he seats. meche just got tattoed, on the day when
Rick urged me to get him into my lineup, “so you’ll have tonight’s great start.”

Rick is commonly mistaken for a lord of the underworld, as far as advice goes. Luckily, I didn’t take it., and Meche to this day remains a roto free agent.

Record= Delaina 0-1, Rich 0-1