So much has happened in the last ten days, I hardly know where to start. So I’m not going to.
It’s been wild.
The Mariners are in town, and my friends and I are very much enjoying the seats I have for the year. We would like it better if they would continue to win, but we can’t have everything now, can we.
The Canucks are at home tonight, trying to move on to the next round of playoffs. Hopefully, this can be accomplished with a minimum of fuss, and certainly without 3 overtimes, like Saturday night.
I’d like to have a job/contract by the end of this week. It would be nice to have money in the bank, to pay for little things like food. But I have options, and a network. I don’t think I’ll be out on the street anytime soon.
And for the record (even though another owner has him), Scott Spezio just flat out ROCKS!
End trans.
posted by Bhagwan : 11:50 AM