April 20

Roll call: Scott Magner, James Hamilton, Oakland Athletics, Raul Ibanez and some other guys

Final Score: A’s 1, Mariners 2: Roof = closed.

The Streak is in Jeopardy. Trying my hardest, cycling the entire phone book, not one person I know can make the game with me.

Dejected, beaten, I take myself out to the ballpark. I go to see Mindy and Karen, and lo and behold, Sparky-Net kicks into action, and James gets the call.

He makes it down in the 3rd, and we have a good chat about baseball, and various intangibles.
The game is good.
The game is strong.
And My peeps are in the house with me. I head on over to my old section, and hang with the boys for a bit.(Mmmm, old section.)

Rick is over my shoulder in the Terrace club, his second game in two days. Gooo Rick!

In the 7th, Rick and I warm up the mojo, and it works like a charm. Raul gets it done, and we are jubilant. Then, against all hope, Raul makes it up in the 9th. We get the mojo working, and James joins in….

If only our power could be used for good.

Record= Scott 4-3, Rick 2-1, Mindy 1-1 (as far as I know), James 1-0. Raul 4 for 3