April 21

Roll call: Scott Magner, Sonja Baron, Oakland Athletics, Raul Ibanez

Final Score: A’s 7, Mariners 4: Roof = open.

Sonja’s third game, and we were trying to keep the streak alive. We bundled up as best we could (blankets, extra shirts, etc), and to the ballpark we went. It was supposed to be cold, you see

instead, it was horrific. Nothing fell in, pitching imploded (again), and Sonja was eyeing the exits during the stretch.

For me, mind you. She was trying to keep my head from exploding.

Raul Mojo worked, but there was a missing element. He got a good hit, near where we pointed, but we weren’t looking for a moon shot, just something to get the game in motion. I blame Rick, who was not pointing (he was driving, and couldn’t do so properly without injury and stuff).

Record= Scott 3-4, Sonja 1-2