April 22
April 22
Roll call: Scott Magner, Sonja Baron, Oakland Athletics, and some guys, you know
Final Score: A’s 8, Mariners 2: Roof = open.
Sonja thought it over, and decided to come to the day game with me.
There are no words.
Sonja left after the stretch, to meet up with some friends in Ballard. I stuck it out to the bitter end, but no rally was forthcoming.
And the busses sucked. Sonja left an hour and a half before I did, and we were both on a bus at the same time after the game.
Raul Mojo worked again. 2 hits and a walk. But nothing would have helped this day.
Record= Scott 3-5, Sonja 1-3 A winning homestand (yay) but we needed more.