May 6
Roll call: Scott Magner, Eric Strand, Minnesota Twins, Freddy Garcia, Brad Radke
Final Score: Twins 1, Mariners 2: Roof = open.
Erik Mona tried to play Cassandra last night, and warned of the coming of Brad Radke. I have the fear of Radke already, and Erik’s ominous warning creates in my mind the sound of a screaming buzzsaw.
And he wasn’t wrong. But also on the mound tonight is Freddy Garcia, still chasing his first win of the year. It’s not for a lack of trying, but rather a lack of run support. Freddy has been absolutely awesome this year, and every time he takes the mound, my roto heart skips a beat. Mainly because I chose to pass on Freddy in the draft, instead pinning my strategy on the two most reliable Mariners starters from last year.
Freddy does not disappoint. He was amazing, and the M’s step up to get him a win after he leaves in the 7th. (7.0 innings, 8K, 1BB, 6h, 1R, 1ER)
Tonight is the first game of the year in which I keep score. I have been planning to do so for a few games, but I’ve been entertaining somewhat, and didn’t feel comfortable doing so. Eric gave off a vibe that felt like “go ahead” to me, so I whipped out the score book and had at it.
I may have mentioned that I love a pitcher’s duel. It’s the expression of the game’s finest elements to me. And that’s what we got tonight. Two young, strong fireballers at the top of their game, pitching their best to keep the opponents’ bats silent. It was great.
Tonight also marks the third straight game without the freaking wave. There’s a rant coming, and it may hit tomorrow night. (Sonja is a wave attractor)
And rounding out the joy of May 6th, it’s the first “roto-positive” game of the year for me. Meaning that after the dust settled, my Mariners’ players left me with a net gain on the day, rather than a drain.
Yay me.
Record = Scott 5-6, Eric 2-1, Freddy Garcia 1-1, 2.11 ERA, Bret Boone 1-4, RBI