May 7

Roll call: Scott Magner, Sonja Baron, the hated New York Yankees

Final Score: Yankees 2, Mariners 6: roof = closed

Yankees. The greatest and most storied team ever. Yankee players are the highest paid, and are supposedly possessed of the greatest talent. Starting lineup consists of 8 All-stars, and some other guy.

Tonight, they are our bitch.

The smackdown comes early and often, and Ryan Franklin turns in another solid performance. John Leiber ran out the guns, but he was no match for a renewed Mariners offense.

Oh, yes. And A-rod. The boo-birds were out, in the loudest round ever for A-rod. From the moment he hits the field, until the second he goes back into the dugout, the noise is there. It works, too. 1-4, and stranded on base each time. But it really works on Derek Jeter, who is the batter while
A-rod takes his swings. the Captain looks like a little kid, staring at ball he used to swat like flies.

Whatever. You signed the contracts, boys. Now earn them.

Like the man across the field from you. You know, the one with 500 doubles, and 299 Home runs. The guy whose entire career earnings won’t equal one year of either of your salaries.

Not too shabby, especially for a man who effectively wasted the best years of his career toiling in minor league obscurity.

You two might be making reservations at the Cooperstown Hilton, but Edgar will get there first.

Count on it.

It felt great to be present for two more Edgar milestones. Almost. Number 300 hit a wall of air caused by the roof, and fell in to a glove at the warning track. He’ll get it tomorrow (or at least, this weekend), so I’m not worried. Double # 500 skipped by right in front of us. It was cool.

Record = Scott 6-6, Sonja 2-3, Edgar 500 doubles, 299 home runs, and counting.