I’m not alone in my dissatisfaction with recent Mariner performance.
In fact, I appear to be in the mean for the blogosphere, most of which is giving up its practice of gamelogging.
I’m not finished, not by a long shot. But the All-star break is a good time to catch up on things, and I intend to soldier on.
Because really, what else have I got.
Oh, and remember, “this one counts.”
The last two didn’t mean squat, and I’m getting pretty tired of these wrestling moves by Larry Bug Selig. I don’t want the XMLB. Don’t put the Governing Body behind the plate as an umpire. Don’t put He Hate Me on the mound.
And for the love of Maris, don’t let the managers ask the commissioner what to do in the middle of a freaking game. He has nothing to do with running the game. He’s just a used-car salesman, a flim-flam guy. parading around his on futile search for WMD, and racking up player casualties along the way.