game 56

What can be said about game 55? How can the horror and heartbreak of losing, yet again, to the Hated New York Yankees, be accurately represented using only text, instead of a swift kick to the Jimmy?

The Ricker had this to say on the subject: “Take a night off.”

Words of wisdom, from a true champion. I had already decided not to attend tonight’s game, or to possibly attend it in a reduced capacity (and not my preferred one). The blinding ease with which I was able to list, sell, and receive renumeration
for my tickets not only freed up my evening, but put some $$ in the bank, a welcome change of state.

Combined with the $$ I received earlier in the week for a game in the next series, I have been able to engage in one of my favorite pastimes. Eating meat.

But, back to the game, or rather, the lack thereof. I really do not know much about the game, save that the score was 1-0 Yankees when Rick and I were driving to see a movie.

I do have quite a lot to say about M. Night Shymalan’s the Village, but I’ll have to whisper it, so that I don’t spoil it for you.

the Village starts William Hurt, Joaquin Phoenix, Sigourney Weaver and M. Night Shyamalan.

it’s about a Village.

Please forgive my journalistic excesses. but I just had to leak that to the masses.

Afterwards, (and still bereft of game scores), Rik and I enjoy overpriced and overstrong margarita beverages at my favorite watering hole in Ballard.

Ah, sweet nectar. Oh, yes, and the mind-numbingly boring Olympic Parade of Nations is shown in the bar. Can’t have the game on, oh no. Must have useless HD programming on the overpriced, under-utilized flat screen televisions.

Home again, I resolve that I will listen to the game in its entirety after midnight. But a drunken call of “inbound” from Senor Strand puts the kai-bosh on that one.

Poker is the game now, true believers, and not 5 minutes go by before my worst suspicions are confirmed. It was a massive drubbing. The baseball game, that is.

i hear this one has a surprise ending

I still don’t know the final score. Lets discover it at the same time.

Wow. that sucks on so many levels.
Eh? I expected maybe a reversal of score? I think not.

M’s lose, again.