Game 65

Following the exultant success of doubleheader baseball in Seattle, I roused myself with some difficulty to make today’s game

However, on the agenda for today are:

  • Hogan
  • Trant
  • the incomparable Kristen
  • Ichiro
  • Beer

Any two of these menu items would be sufficient for normal wake up reasons, but today I’ve ordered a full spread. Kristen calls to confirm in the 11th hour (literally), and I make my way down to the ballpark. A brief stop at Joe’s (pictures coming, I promise), then I’m into the Beer Garden.

Somehow, I walk right by Mark and Eric. While scanning the crowd for them to arrive, I discover that they already have done so. Sadly, neither Kristen nor Ichiro are present, but I make do with option # 5 while we wait.

And wait. Kristen is running late, but none of us know that, and her phone is on the fritz. The Chicago 2 enter in time for Mark to get some teriyaki, and I eventually capitulate to my need for baseball. I leave K’s ticket at will call, and in I go.

Of course, I’ve missed nothing, because the first inning goes by so fast, they might has well have mailed it in. I visit briefly with the boys, and make my message drop.

Mariners offense seems somewhat taxed by the double bill, but the game gets remarkably better when a good-looking blonde with drinks in her hands comes by and asks if the seat next to me is taken. Luck for me, it’s Kristen, and I am spared a hard choice. Sure, the beer helps, but consulting my chart, I’m 3-5 if she sits down.

No contest, really.

Ichiro hits number 8 into the stands, and everything gets better. Yay, Ichiro.

In fact, Ichiro has a hell of a day at the plate, reaching base and scoring in every attempt after the first inning. 53 on the month, and counting. 3 more, and he has the Mariner record, but not the MLB one. Maybe next month, Ichiro. The Magnificent Bastard will retain his title.

For now.

At the stretch, Kristen learns that beer sales stop at the start of the 8th inning. Stirred to action, we set out for the ol meetin’ place, stopping along the way for a double helping of Silver Bullets.

Once again, good clothes open all doors. Especially when worn by good looking women, and we quickly grab space along the rail to watch the final pitches. Ron Villone comes on in relief, his 44th appearance this year.

Not bad for a “washed up junkballer.” He’d get some more starts this year, but with the season as bad as it is, these new kids are going to get a lot of innings. Plus, he gets a contract bonus if he makes one more start. Sorry , Ron. You’re just too good. you should suck, like Ryan Franklin. then you’d get a contract extension.

It bears note that while the M’s are now 4 in a row at home, they have been behind in every game on this home stand. Specifically, the Kansas City Royals, (the worst team in the AL) have taken an early lead on Seattle in every game of this extended series.


I know I’ve mentioned this before. but it still sucks. This home stand is the Edgar & Ichiro show, with a side dish of Randy Winn and Bucky Jacobsen. otherwise, it’s an offensive train wreck., in both senses of the word

Lucky for me, I’ve had a small trickle of money come in lately , which in turn translates to a larger trickle of beer. More of a flow, really, but not quite a gusher. Oddly enough, Beer = Single, and Single = Beer. What Irony.

Mariners win, but that’s not the end of the day.

The promise of more beer leads us back to Sluggers, where Mark and I have spent many a drunken hour. Kristen confesses her desire for fried chicken and open wheel racing, which leads Eric and I to nominate her for “coolest sports chick ever.” Then she picks up the bill, which brings the convention to an incredible close.

Motion Carries. Now, if we can just get her into a jersey….

Mariners Win, and in the process climb up 4 games out of the gutter. they’ll still be eliminated by next Sunday, but hey, that race has een over since Opening Day.