game -1
I missed our last tailgate, so even though I worked until 5 PM, I made haste down to the appointed spot. I discovered that the little grocery store in Pioneer Square does have a healthy selection of tailgate supplies, enough so that we’ll have to make use of it during the season.
While not the cheapest beer in the world, it does the job in a pinch. Plus, larger cans means more drunken fun.
Unfortunately, I seem to have forgotten how to read the schedule. Instead of starting at 7, the game begins at 6, leaving me less time to have fun before the game. Plus, I neglect to get cash on the way down, so I can’t buy a ticket from the helpful young men. not that I’ve got a lot to spread around, but a productive 8 hour work day does wonders for your spending power
Arriving at the truck, I see Mark dish out the last two burgers, and take down the grill. It is at this exact moment that I discover the start time of the game. While this sucks, I do get to say hello to my chairs, which have more or less migrated into Mark’s truck for the Duration..
In attendance this afternoon are myself, Mark, our buddy Lynn and his mystery wife Susan, Kristen and her friend Alex from California ( a fellow Charger fan!), and several folks I do not know. Mark confesses that he did not recognize me at first. Apparently, shaving and putting on nice pants changes my appearance some.
I don’t see it.
Turns out that one hour of prep gets me good and ready for the ride home. No tickets come flying out of the ether, and Lynn returns to playoff form before I go. Good old Lynn.
I’ve got pictures from last year’s taligating, perhaps I’ll have to do up a page for the games this year. For Football, it’s just as easy to do a full page.
At the casa, I watch both the end of the M’s game (poorly, it ends. poorly), and the second half of Glorious Seattle Football action.
Winning with seconds left, on a 3 point kick. Very typical for the last few years, and equally so is my intoxication level. Buzz just wearing off, and ready to drink more after the game.