Game 75
Esteban was supposed to make the trip over for tonight’s game, but the pressures of vice presidency cause him to take a pass. No Magic hat tonight, but I do manage to talk Rich and his friend Rick into going to the game. Again, the evening involves a Startup round of drinks, this time at Fado. After we settle up, I teeter down to the ballpark, making a stop at Joe’s.
These last two weeks, it’s been fun to have a little walking around money. Not only has there been Beer, but Beef as well. Both are helping to erase the weight loss of the fourth great period of unemployment, and although I’m awful fond of both, it will be good to go back to a once a week schedule for them. This is going to be a minimalist winter, I’m thinking, since there won’t be a lot of walking, the only real casual exercise my knees and ankle can handle.
Into the ballpark I go, with a healthy snootful. Which comes in handy on a night when two of my “best” roto pitchers are squaring off. Moyer and Sele both look fantastic, but for once, it’s not Jamie who loses, but the men behind him.
Or rather, man. Bret Boone not only has a mostly silent bat, but he pooches his chances for a third straight gold glove as he participates in a three error inning that is almost beyond description. Including one which hit a bat lying in front of home plate. 4 unearned runs later, Jamie loses his 10th straight decision.
The good news is, he does not give up a homer for the first time the season. With an amazed sigh of relief, he hits the showers, secure in the knowledge that his teammates will not rally for a win.
This really sucks for Jamie. In any other year, the M’s could tack on some offense and help the guy out. He and Ryan Franklin have been the recipients of horrendously bad luck, and it’s just not getting any better.
Of course, with Steve and the magic hat not in attendance, what can we expect? But Rich and Rick bring more beer in the 3rd, which helps a little.