Game 77

One of the problems with taking this bus to work in the working is that it trains you to be at the bus at certain time intervals. The time interval I had planned on using today turned out to be the incorrect one, as the Saturday schedule is just a tad different than the weekday one.

However, I am a tool using animal, and by the simple expedient of using the phone tool, I was able to contact STAN!, and arrange for a pickup.

Once again, our plans to attend batting practice are foiled, since there was none. But parking was remarkably cheap, albeit confusing. We eat at Joe’s, and Stan goes a little crazy, going for two feet of beefy goodness. This move will pay off for me in the future, I’m sure.

The game is typical Mariners fare of late. One, the stadium is empty. Very empty. The day is cold, and we upgrade to row 14, right along the rail. The drunken gigglers are back, and this time they are sitting right behind us, screaming out such fan favorites as ,”I want a ball!” and, “I want Ichiro to sign something!”

Priceless. Yet another reason to not pay ballpark prices for beer.

Thanks to last night’s umpiring blunder, Ichiro enters today’s game poised to hit his 200th single of the year. . It also means I can break the 200 sign out of retirement, something I forgot to do yesterday.

I should have known how much use I’d get out of it. Today’s 200 escapade is much like the last one, with near hit after near hit. in the 5th, one drops in, and the crowd goes wild.

And then promptly goes back to sleep. If it wasn’t for the drunken gigglers, I’d think the game was over. It soon is. STAN! shares the piteous sight of rally cap with me, and we leave the stadium, broken and dejected men, as

Mariners Lose. Again..