Game 3

Location: The Duchess Tavern

Early mornings always bite, but I’m somewhat inured to them by now. So I’m finally able to enjoy the mythic Duchess pre-func with Strand.

I’ve been hearing about this for a long time, and have been invited more than once. But today was the day.

Jen and I send waves of collective guilt to Eric, who rolls out of bed right when we are supposed to arrive at the bar. We get in 15 minutes late, but are greeted with smiles and beer.

(I’ll let you fill in the blanks on time, but the sun was not yet over the yardarm in Chicago.)

The table is there for us, as it always is. In attendance are TF, SF and Indigo Cheryl, Lisa from HR, Kitty Toi (also from HR, so don’t get any jokes ready, she’s already heard them), and the hunting shirt guy (whose name I did not catch, although it was thrown at me several times). Rod, Stacey, and the Weatherman join us later, filling out the Breakfast table of Champions.

The Duchess is a fine local establishment, revered in Husky lore. Generations of Husky fans have taken their first drink there, and it is steeped in school pride. As a non-Husky, it was cool to soak up the ambience, and drink Husky beer. And since USC isn’t on the home schedule for another year, I won’t have to take any crap from my compatriots when when the Trojans go 7-0 on them in two weeks.

But back to the game. Or really, the lack thereof. As was previously mentioned, we got an early start, and not everyone in the party was ready to walk down and sit in the rain for what looked to be another Washington loss. I was game, as was Strand. But SF , Indigo Cheryl, and the Weatherman wanted to stay a little longer, so we ordered “just one more” a few times, and then a few more. Through the magic of Digital PCS service, we kept track of the Dawgs as they CRUSHED the Spartans 21-6, and watched on the big screen as the Trojans held on over the Bears, 23-17. (Next week, I’ll pack the extra battery, as we used up the slim one pretty thoroughly.)

This, of course, avenges our ignominious defeat last year at their hands, which marred an otherwise perfect NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP SEASON.

After a full day of working our livers, we had to pack it up, and move on to our next sporting event of the day. Perhaps next week, we’ll leave the bar, and watch the Dawgs flail against Oregon State, a Pac-10 rival which they actually stand a chance of beating.

More later.