My first, and only comment on 2004 Politics

My political views and opinion of proper military doctrine are well known.

That having been said, my two cents on this discussion weighs in as follows. I do not believe the primary candidates of either the DNC or the GOP are the correct choice to lead this country in the next cycle of government.

Not only our dependence on a military force that was dismantled during the previous administration, but budgetary concerns created by the fiscal practices of the last 30 years should send up a clear signal that it is time for a change.

A drastic one.

And yet, two of most viable candidates for chief executive in years have declined to run, since they would challenge an incumbent. Such things are “just not done” and the sentiment has contributed greatly to the “mess” we are in now.

I’d advocate we go back to the original, partyless election system, were such a thing possible. But the days when I could speak personally to POTUS are long gone. As are the times when I could ride my horse right up to the front door of the White House, when I could petition Congress directly to speak; when I had seen or served with those best suited to govern, and when people in this country remembered the feeling of a tyrant’s iron boot upon our necks.

As I get older, and more jaded, I find that the Klingon way of life is more and more appealing. Trial by Combat. Only option left for us, I’m thinking. Dig a mud pit in the middle of the Pentagon, and let candidates have at it.

At least then, we’ll be assured that our leaders will be able to fight a war.

Or die trying.