Friday, I’m in pain

So, it’s time for our monthly Hold em tournament. I like poker, it’s a great game, which combines math and psychology.

And given my predilection for those two things, usually I’m pretty good at it. But tonight, I ran into the buzz saw, and it was not pretty.

We are at capacity plus one, and Rick, Julz and gather our vittles on the east side. Like most of tonight’s participants, we then battle the ruinous 520 traffic, famous the world over for its nastiness. Compounded, of course, by the fact that Seattle drivers can properly manipulate their vehicles one day out of every 7, on a clear, dry, room-temperature surface with no sun.

When you see one of those in Seattle, please write and let me know. We pass two wrecks ourselves, as the weather was none of the things listed above. the other eastsiders (Ryan Dancey, The Ford Clan, and the Fixes) have similar delays, but 16 people sit down on time, and no-one has to post a dead blind.

Last month, in my first ever tournament appearance, I was the massive chip leader heading into the final table. Slow, steady play, combined with my good reads on ever player and every hand, served me well, until a couple of very costly mistakes sent me out on the bubble.

Oh well, I figured I’d learn my lessons, and apply them this month. It turns out I was wrong, at least in part. I learned my lessons, but the manner in which I applied them was not the correct one.

For, as I have previously mentioned, I’m sitting next to the buzzsaw tonight.

Who, Me?

Astute readers may recognize young Master Ford from his appearances at Husky games. Even more astute readers will remember the Female Fords; Indigo Cheryl, his sister Jamie, and her husband Sean Fix.

But poker players the world over will not , because he’s never played before.


The chips you see below belong to myself, Al Strand, Eric Strand, Sean Fix, and the other guy.

Pa, does this mean no food for the chickens?

Also important to note, he doesn’t lose a hand in the first two hours of play.

Not one. Every time you draw a pair, he’s got a better one. Every time you’ve got Ace -Jack suited, he’s got Ace-King. Drawing to a straight, Don’t bother. He’s already there, and his are all the same suit.

He’s a madman, and beginner’s luck will take you far in this game.

Sean’s previous plan for the evening was to go out early, and then drink for a while. Since I am lucky 17 – 1 tonight, his plan becomes mine, and vice versa. I stay around as his “good luck charm”, but mainly because my chair is pretty comfortable, and this is where the action is. We drink some more, and then some more after that. Also my custom of late, but not particularly relevant to the situation.

Or is it?

I can't believe we ate the whole thing

Final table shakes down to Ryan, Jamie, Indigo Cheryl, the Ricker, Steven Bean, and Ford.

6 becomes 4, becomes 3 (Bean), becomes 2 (Cheryl), becomes a tie. High card for the remainder of the chop, and history shows again that rubbing the Bhagwan is always a good idea. Take note, ladies, it’s a proven fact.

Final score, Sean Ford, 128 units; Ryan Dancey, 127.

Afterwards, I get my first taste of the aftergame, commonly known as “the game where the Strands take your money.” Once I learn the various games , I’ll do well I’m for thinking. But learning them at that late of an hour, many, many sheets to the wind, spells disaster for this sailor.

I’ll see them all on Thursday, I’m sure of it. But I’m going to spend a little quality time with Mssrs. Jackson and Franklin, so I’ll remember what they look like.