It’s On!

Finally, a message from the Commish

Dear Owners,

Football season is over, and that means it’s only about 2 weeks before pitchers and catchers report for spring training (and about 3 weeks before Junior Griffey suffers a season-ending injury and Jason Giambi starts doing the junkie shuffle)! That also means it’s time to start thinking about Rrrrrrrrrrroooooooootoooooo!!!!

Good News! The Kenosha Connection (Dan/Jeff and their silent partner Tim) are back with us for their 2nd season, Scott brings a new owner, James Carrott of WizKids Games, to the league, and Leon joins us again too, but with a new co-owner, Goose. Let’s say hey to all these guys!

Our first order of business is to pick your teams for the season. Here are the ones I know about so far (in no particular order):

Rich: The Fighting Phillies
James: The Tremendous Twins
Eck: The Battling Braves
Jim: The World-Champion BoSox
Dan/Jeff: The Cardiac Cardinals
Scott: The Mighty Mariners
Leon/Goose: The Brew Crew
Andy: The Amazing Astros
Dale: (I’llchoose last as I did last year, once the rest of the league is inplace.)

No one is locked into these choices simply cuz I list them here; just let me know if you want to choose any other team.

I also have feelers out to two more past owners to see if one wants to come back and et us to an even 10 teams.

This winter, there’s been talk about making this league some sort of “keeper” league. I propose we table all discussions of that until after the season gets rolling. I further propose we have a decision made for next season by the end of the All-Star Break

Please reply to this email so I know you got it and that you are indeed taking the team I’ve listed. Unless of course you’re taking another team, in which case you should tell me that too.

Also, I’ve attached a pic of our new league mascot that I hope you’ll like.

Thanks all, take care, and be well,

Commish Dale

“Some days are like whiskey.”
My daughter Dani, age 3.5