Baseboru, news

So, listen up, you season ticket holders. There has been a change (soon to be reflected on the schedule page).

Due to some unfortunate last minute cancellations, our seats were not fully paid for by the absolute deadline, which was yesterday. However, my agent and I did secure us some pretty spiff seats just 48 feet away, in prime home run territory.

Our new location is Sec 109, row 28, seats 15 and 16. This is five rows up from the wall, and dead center in the section. Pretty spiff, and oddly enough, these are the exact seats I wanted 5 years ago, when I began the Season Ticket experience.

Go figure.

What this means is that the price per ticket has dropped. Some of you who paid on time are due either a refund, or extra picks. It’s your call, but I’d like to know by Opening Day. Also, some of you have yet to pay at all, so your donations would be greatly appreciated by this starving game designer.


Here’s to another season of excellent Mariners baseball. And I lay full claim on all HR balls dropped into our seats.