“Let them Die”

Some damn fool at Fox has decided (yet again) to bring back Futurama and Family guy.

I really don’t care, and those folks what do generally identify themselves as people with whom I will never agree on what is “entertaining”

These shows were crap, are crap, and will continue to be crap. To be perfectly honest, there’s not much of anything I enjoy watching on Broadcast television beyond the following: CSI, Law and Order (any scripted variety), and NCIS (loves me some Gibbs).

The rest is ALL CRAP. And the last show I looked forward to watching on those networks was John Doe. Which was cancelled at the same time as Firefly, so that we could see……

More episodes of Family guy, Futurama, and Fast Lane.

If cable was not free in my home, I would not miss it one bit.

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