
I haven’t done this in a very long time.

Eddie Guardado has to go. If you can’t close a ballgame, you should not whine about how you are a closer.

And demand to only be used in big game situations

Throw. Strikes. Walking four straight batters (and plating the winning run) does not make you a “veteran lefthander coming out of the pen.”

It makes you a chump. A chump with a tired arm, washed up one year before you signed a three year contract with us.

But since we’re the ones that signed you, I guess we’re chumps too.

It boggles my mind that players have been fired for criticizing management in this town. Except for Guardado, who openly told the press that it was a mistake to come to Seattle, and how he wished he’d stayed in Minnesota.

He gets to stay.

4 straight days of attendance under 20K should tell the Mariners how we feel about the team this year. I intentionally reduced my season ticket commitment for 2006 due to my complete lack of confidence in the M’s management. I even went to the season ticket holder’s breakfast after the season, and listened to Howard Lincoln and Chuck Armstrong blow sunshine up our asses about what a great team we’ve got, and how things will get better.

Looks an awful lot like I’m not the only one.

I bought a TIVO last week to record baseball games this season so that I may watch them after work. I’m thinking I may have made a mistake.

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