Words and music by…

(ed: this post is 14 months late. I’ve been meaning to write it the entire time, and just never was in the right headspace. Now I am.)

In the waning hours of Song Game II: the revenge, Michael bachelor made the cognitive leap to identify

19. It crawls on his back, won’t ever let him be. (I’m not the man, 10,000 Maniacs, MTV Unplugged) 7 points.

This song, and the Maniacs in general, hit me like a ton of bricks in the fall of 1993. As mentioned above for The Indigo Girls, I was in a very dark place then, and the year after my son’s birth was a particularly bad time. I spent most of it in the bottle, and clawed my way back to life slowly.

But not this day. That winter was cold, long, and harsh. I’m frankly amazed I made it through, but this album was a big part of it. (ed: reference #1 here for more insight as to this, it’s something I wasn’t in a good place with last summer)

But they lyrics, the tones, and the amazing energy of this piece move me. I frequently have to stop and “feel” during certain musical compositions. It’s like my spirit is trying to lift me from the floor, into a different plane altogether. This entire album is chocked full with those moments.

Screw it. 5 bonus points for Michael. Just because.