Day 1
Starting it off at 232. This here hangover is the first one I’ve had in almost a year, so I’m going to tenjoy it for the rest of the morning.
Mmmm, bottle of wine.
Last night I went to the Wallingford Pizza House for my farewell dinner. The meal was very tasty, and ran me $25, including wine and tip.
I thien went to the store, and bought 4 days of food. that ran me $58, including wine. Since I drank $5 of that wine last night, the real total for days one through 4 is $53, which I shall consume during my program of apathy on this here Vacation week.
And levelling up. Lest we forget the importance of Video games.
Sitting on my ass today, Me and my Headache will consume the following in no particular order.
Fruit Salad
Choose between 2-4 of the below fruits and slice into small pieces, place in a small bowl and enjoy (you may also add non fat COOL WHIP if you like).
Allowable fruits:
Kiwi Fruit
There is no minimum or maximum amount of each fruit to use (you choose the portions of each fruit).
Cottage Cheese
Just make sure that it is Low-Fat Cottage Cheese.
Tuna Salad
Low fat tuna only. Allowable mixing ingredients include non fat mayo, any type of mustard, lettuce, pickles, onions, celery, bell peppers and ANY other type of vegetable that you can think of.
Ground Turkey and Pasta
How to Prepare: Ground Turkey
This particular form of turkey is sold in a “ground beef” type of package — and you cook it just like you would cook a hamburger patty. You can also tear it into little chunks and cook it with diced vegetables for a delicious meal. For example, you can cook it with diced bell peppers, onions and tomatoes if you like.
You may also use any of the condiments shown in the diet rules.
How to Prepare: Pasta
Any type of pasta is allowed. The only allowable sauce is spaghetti sauce (thin sauce without meat chunks inside of it), but please only use enough sauce to LIGHTLY cover your pasta. You should be able to see your pasta through the sauce — if you use more than that the diet won’t work properly.
Also, since you’re eating another food with your pasta be sure to eat HALF the amount of pasta that you would normally eat.