So, the morning that was…

4:04 AM: I wake up from a Beer dream. I haven’t had one in 10 years. Oddly enough, the last time I had one, I started drinking again within 2 weeks. I’m hoping for a more hop-free resolution.

4:23 AM: I manage to bring the beer dream to a satisfactory conclusion. I commence to showering, and prepare my day’s meals. It bears noting that I weigh in at a hair over 180, down from yesterday’s hair under 183. Yesterday’s meals (in order) were a big juicy burger, A Delicious Egg Omelette with yummy chicken in, some tasty juice/smoothie, and another piece of chicken. All of the above were washed down with high quality H20, Diet Dr. Pepper, and 3 Buck Chuck.


4:45 AM: I learn that one of my oldest friends has been checked into the Hospital with “flu-like symptoms” which progressed into “pnuemonia.” The last time this happened, they put my freind Bill into the ground, and my actions in waking him are a thing of legend. Not happy, not happy at all. This news comes hot on the heels of me learning that my travel plans for next month’s Science Fiction Convention are solidified, and I will not be driving.

My desire for a beer grows. We’ll have to see what happens.

4:50 AM: My kitchen catches on fire.

4:52 AM: I discover my kitchen on fire, and take the appropriate steps.

5:15 AM: I eat my breakfast, having restarted lunch and afternoon snack preparations.

5:31 AM: I finalize my dressing preparations. It appears to be cold outside.

5:37 AM: I walk a mile, uphill, in the snow. My bus arrives more or less on time, but is slowed by the chains and idiots , both on the road and off.

6:02 AM: That bastard Driver of the 256, which drops off DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF MY OFFICE, decides that I have lost too much weight and am now not visible enough to stop and let me board. Chasing him down the freeway for 1/8 of a mile, while his passengers yell at him to stop, and looking at me twice do not seem to change his mind any.


Of course, I take the pass on the 555 that was right behind him, since a 545 should be along in just a minute.

6:03 AM: I discover that the 545 left 10 minutes ago. Dumbass.

6:20 AM: The 545 is not on time. I hear grumblings from co-commuters that it did indeed NOT arrive at 5:53. I also watch the 540 sail behind us on it’s merry way to Kirkland

6:33 AM: I decide not to take this here 555. there is a 242 right behind it, that gets me “closer” to the office.

6:51 AM: I walk 1.5 miles in the snow, uphill.

7:08 AM: I note that the 253 is dropping off RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY OFFICE. I could have caught it from the 555. C’est la guerre.

This is sooooo not a snow day. but if they declare it one, I get another day of PTO. And that’s not half bad.