Toss up
1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 23.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next three sentences in your journal along with these instructions.
5. Don’t dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual one: pick the CLOSEST.
these three are equidistant from the center of my head
“If you weren’t able to make copies of the player handouts before you came to the convention, be sure and pick up extra sets at this meeting, particularly if you need to run the event more than once.
Be sure you know how to handle the paperwork. You are responsible for making sur ehte scoring packet is completed and turned in after the game session.”
–from the RPGA Network member handbook, c.2000
“That was what should set Perez above Parker, Baines, or Gil Hodges, and that was why he should be in the Hall.
The Perez quandary raises an important question: Are there hitters who are more valuable than their regular statistics would suggest becuase of thier tendency to hit in the clutch? We’ve already settled on the Win Expectancy model as the way to account for Clutch situations.”
–from “Baseball Between the Numbers: Why Everything You Know About the Game Is Wrong”, c. 2007
“‘I know your particular…distaste…for them, but we cannot choose where the next deal may take us, or who may sit across from us at the table.’
‘I know that as well as you, ovKhan’ she responded; her momentary anger did not touch him. ‘I may wish their genetic material flushed out the nearest airlock, but I will deal with them and take thier honor and resources like any other.'”
–from “Hunters of the Deep”, by randall N. Bills. c.2004
Yes, I am at work. Why do you ask?