And We’re off!

From a weekend low of 168, to a mid afternoon Sunday high of 175, I have successfully navigated the Weekend back to a Monday Morning 170, as we begin another cycle.

Crazy kooky, I tell you.

Walked an additional 10 or so miles over the bookend days, which makes me all with the health and lean muscle mass. I bid my farewell to Fruit for a few days, but the last 5 days of lunch have been absolute heaven. Skating into a show next week should be no problem at all, since Week 2 is full of Sandwiches and MEAT, both of which are easily available in the midwest.

It’s almost as if I had planned this. Go figure.

Today’s work schedule will be ….challenging.I’ll let you know if I make it out alive. Shouldn’t have to kill too many people before lunch.

Music : that Snakes on a plane song, cut in with Concrete Blonde’s “the Highs are too high” song.