FRUIT! (and stuff)

I have been desiring this here bowl of fruit for 3 days.

I so love fruit. Today I get it twice. While I love the simplicity of Days 6 and 7, here on Day 8 things really come together.

Tale of the tape? A dehydrated 166, with an easy measure at 29″. I also did a LOT of extra hiking on Friday and Saturday, getting the additional benefit of SUNSHINE in my body.

Today is technically my day off, as was Friday. Managed to get a full 9 hours in then, but today I might get off with only 5, although a teleconference later in the day may skew the average. The important thing is, I’m in my house, where I want to be.

Tomorrow (in addition to being Day 9, another good day), I board a big blue plane at 8:30 and fly out to Columbus, OH where I will spend 6 nights and 7 dyas basking in the radiance that is geek. ‘long the way, I’ll be meeting folk, giving instruction, and analyzing some interesting stuff we’re trying out in the market.

You know, work. No sane person willingly goes to OH in the middle of summer. As such, I will not be here in the greater Sprawl, so most (if any) stuff you might want to do with me will have to wait a week.

More in a bit.