Ladies and Gentlemen

the time is now 12:50 AM.

I am here to report the following things

I am still at work.

I have just finished a very nourishing 4th meal, which was only 7 hours from the third one.

Said meal consisted of one (1) 9 oz. dill pickle, containing ~150% of my day’s required sodium (and 0 calories, lest we forget), 9 oz of sliced , fat free turkey, combining for a very modest 360 calories, and much, much protien, about half a jar of spicey mustard (call it 25 calories, I do), and

100% of satisfaction.

Also, 274ml of wine.

there are things you should know about this combination.

a) it costs about $9.50, before tax

b) it is more filling than you might think

c) it makes diet C*&@ taste simply amazing.

I have new gum.

the next bus is at 4:48 AM. It stops 300 yds from my chair.

the bus I actually want is at 4:57, and is ~6 miles from here. the bus above wil get me to the bus I want 8 minutes after it leaves.

Alternately, I could walk 1 mile north at about he same time, and catch the 545 at 5:12.

that’s some time from now.

the time is now 12:57 AM. Time to begin hour 53 of the work week.

Somebody, please invite me to do something “fun” about 14 hours from now.

P.S. I have new gum. And tasty fruit for the 5 AM 1st meal of FREEDOM

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