up and at ’em

So, crashed for about 6 hours, and got up to rehydrate. Thought I’d just go right back to sleep, but I got obsessed with cleaning and food preparation.

It’s my way.

It looks like I didn’t do too much damage over the extended period. I remained hydrated throughout, and didn’t overindulge on anything. Weighed in this morning at 166, and expect that I’ll maintain with the meal regimen I’ve prepared this weekend.

mmmm, fajitas

I did notice some cramping again when I woke up at 5. It’s odd, but if I sleep on my back, my lower legs cramp painfully about once a week without fail.

But my spine feels awesome. The trade off is irony, and it is bittersweet. Two cups of coffee has me sleepy again, but I’m going to power through these Clerks cartoons first. there’s more shopping to do today, which oddly enough is work related.

Yah me.

P.S. the Rum was awesome. Two glasses, mixed with the C0&* zero I favor did the trick, and Knocked my ass out. I’m to the point now where caffeine effectively does nothing for me at all.

Except for that part where it helps regulate my breathing, and forces me to drink water. It’s like a gateway drug, but with no drawbacks.

Mmmm, caffiene.

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