Chapter the Sixth: Bhagwan takes an evening off

For the first Thursday in well over a month (closer on two), I left “work” before Midnight

What an interesting experience.

Around 6:45 (thats 12.5 hours, for 43 on the week), I called in the towel and put aside my crazy project, electing to spend the rest of the evening with my good friend Erik Mona (). it is particularly amusing to leave work to hang out with him, since we both have a nasty habit of doing neither. In fact, when we ran the RPGA, we would frequently be at the grind well past midnight.

Single guys with few friends really don’t have a lot to do in Seattle, in the 20th century.

We run smack dab into inexplicable 520 traffic, although neither of us are really surprised by it. After a brief stop at the temple, we roll into Ballard just before 8, and tour the Mona residence. E attempts to engage me in the joys of his new first person shooter, although they are lost on me.

You see, I hate them.

Also, not any good at them, since my poor damaged brain can’t track all the action going on, nor can I “make it go.” No worries, I enjoy watching as much as participation, and our friend Kyle comes by after a bit. We repair to the Matador, for tasty and modestly priced vittles.

Modestly being a completely relative term.

Day 4 had remaining to it one (1) meal of vegetables, and it was at this point 8 hours overdue. Rather than consume my fellow diners (coincidentally, not made of vegetables), I decide to bend a bit, and grab a delicious green salad, and some roasted vegetable enchiladas.

They were a lot cheesier than I had anticipated. Lucky for me, I had elected to not drink any extra calories, and the day had been otherwise fat-free.

I must point out that all of the food yesterday was amazingly tasty.

It’s late in the evening, and conversation closes before the Matador. I bid the Ballard Bros good night, and decide to shop at the QFC in Ballard instead of Queen Anne I still remember where everything is, but late night shopping is always fun, especially with no time limit on the exercise.

Earlier in the day I had remarked to myself that given the opportunity, I would probably eat nothing but fruit on a regular basis, with the occasional bit of dead animal in for flavor.

Fruit is very damn expensive.

Much more so than dead animals.

It’s like a Bible lesson gone horribly wrong.

$70 for an evening of entertainment is not normally out of the question, but When I get about 4 days of meals out of it, it evens out.

Of that total, 10% was spent on non-food items, and another 14% was taken with coffee and coffee supplies.

But I needed fruit for one of Day 5’s meals, and today I’m not interested in compromise. Especially after last night’s incidental Queso.

20. freaking. Dollars. for an assortment of cut fruit.

Two. Zero.

And what’s worse, I priced out the individual components in “raw” form, and it came to more. Twice as much as I needed, and about $5 more expensive.

The large plate was/is also more fruit than I need. However the assortment of smaller size is even *more* expensive, to the tune of an additional $2/pound. While it is exactly the amount of fruit I wanted, It is well beyond what I am comfortable paying for a commodity item.

The Single serving is worse yet. Especially since I would need two.

Upon return to the Temple, I process the food into multiple servings, and stock the cooler and icebox for the weekend.

Thus endeth Thursday