Sleep, embraced and enjoyed

Following the events of Chapter 6, I spent a few minutes with the neighbors, and set up a proto-activity for tonight following the planned excursion into the wilds of Fremont.

Then I set in to watch last night’s Mariners Train Wreck.

One of the activities I really enjoy is lying on a couch and watching a Sporting event. One of said reasons is that it will put me to sleep.

I win. I grab about an hour of slumber in The Chair, and then roll into full on Bed around 1:30 AM.

Of course, I’m up again at 4:20. Damn near make breakfast, but I convince myself back into bed.

It’s my day off, after all.

7:00, same thing

9:45, I can’t take it anymore, and I rise to greet the day.

This may be the longest I have slept (aggregate) in the last three months.

It feels, weird.

I might have to take a nap later just to get back on track. Of course, it could be argued that that’s what I am doing by actually taking a day of rest.

For today’s Delicious Egg Omelette, I decided to drop to two eggs, and flush the system a bit. Still tipping in a sausage link, black beans, and the non-cheese cheese, but just as tasty.especially since Day 5’s omelette is to be paired with the grapes acquired as part of last night’s extravagant fruit offering.

And, it will leave more room for the extravagance of fruit called for in the melon meal planned for lunch. Since Happy hour will probably involve an extra glass of wine or three, it’s probably for the best.

in other news, Spanglish is really, really good. I’m amazed that I left it on the shelf for so long. I’m about halfway through, but it does not fail to impress.

PS. Paz Vega is smoking hot. And right next to Spanglish on the shelf is The Other Side of the Bed, which I’ll try to convince the neighbors to watch with me tonight after our viewing of Perfume.

While not an official housewarming, there will be a few seats left here in the Temple for this excercise, if’n anyone is interested.

For tomorrow, I begin on either Lost, or 24. I have the first two seasons of both in my possession, and I’m not afraid to use them.

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