Go figure

It turns out that I get more comments from folks when I actually post things.

So, here goes.

I watched a lot of movies this weekend, shared excellent times with friends, neighbors, and near familiy, and ate a bunch of food.

Last part first.

While I wasn’t particularly “bad”, I did indeed “cheat” a little with two unauthorized desserts and some bonus rum. After Friday night’s scotchapoolooza, The married Foys and I sauntered down to the store where they sell CAKE.

It was good.

And didn’t affect me one whit, since I had wisely “saved” up room earlier in the evening/day, and for once actually got a reasonable amount of sleep. In fact, I work up Saturday Morning one pound lighter than I did the morning previous.

I was good on Saturday as well, believe it or not. One cup of rum, one glass of wine, and some delicious chicken cooked by Neighbor H.

Of course, she made CAKE as well, and I could hardly say no. My real downfall, however, was the fact that dessert was really Meal # 5, and did indeed consist of three things to which I am allergic.

Wheat, Dairy, and Dairy.

Sunday started at ~170, and ended at 168. Today, 166, and I feel fine.

No cake today. But there was a double helping of fruit. And Trader Joe’s now sells MANGO FRUIT BARS

Again, it is the legend.
But damn, it felt good to be bad.

Plus, there were movies. I didn’t really leave the house at all for 48 hours, cleaned, re-arranged furniture, and cataloged/archived my various media.

I also did quite a bit of handheld gaming, and a bit of shopping.

It was an introvert’s dream, especially the therapeutic part.

I’m saving the rest of this post so that there will be content tomorrow. But today was a good day.

A very good day.

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