It did not suck.

Yes, I can cook. I just don’t do it that often.

Menu for tonight

Whole wheat pasta (protein enriched) (both baked and “fresh”)

with merlot red sauce

(base: Paul Newman’s Mushroom marinara, steeped this afternoon with:

  1. Fresh cut pineapple
  2. Organic roma tomatoes
  3. 1/2 cup Gato Negro (CHILEAN) merlot
  4. 1 chicken spiced sausage (3 oz)
  5. dried red pepper
  6. 1/4 cup vegetaqble oil)

topped with Soy Mozzeralla cheese

and fresh baby green salad

with merlot vinagrette (reducted from the above, plus Cascade Orange Mango Sparkling water)

Served with

Gato Negro Merlot

Cascade Orange Mango Sparkling water, with Fresh cut pineapple

Filtered water

the Good Rum.

Watching the Twin Peaks Pilot now, will be good for scotch directly.
All told, very few calories, very few from fat.

And, leftovers for neighbor O.

End trans.