
So, I ate too much yesterday, and my body let me hear about it. No permanent damage, but today I feel awful.

Good thing it’s a new cycle, because I really need it.

All weekend long, two words can describe my activities.

Yummm. and Ow.

Hydration did not keep apace, and in the end, was my undoing.

So, having literally made myself sick from eating not twelve hours ago, I just returned from Wendy’s, where I got too much food.

And may have done it again. easing my way through my diet coke right now, but another giant glass of water, followed by another, and another, will hopefully get me through the rest of the day.

Wendy’s was the last acceptable fast food restaurant on my list (I don’t count taco bell, but that’s a discussion for another time). It’s now off.

So while I rarely eat there anyway, it’s no longer an option.

More later on another topic. But damn, lunch was really, REALLY not a good idea.