mmm, Vegetables

okay, there’s fruit thrown in as well.

But today is my crazy day, and it will be delicious.

On a day 3 update, yesterday may have been one of the tastiest Day 3’s to date. Swapped out Pastrami Sandwich for a Steak wrap , and left behind half the wrap and most of the crumbly cheese. Swapped out smoothie for fruit and cheese plate, with some incidental fruit (and a very guilty pair of lemon bars) slightly sooner than the appointed hour for the next meal.

And then, I just wasn’t hungry, so I swapped out tuna salad for….nothing.

end result, down 2 lbs on the day.

Not so bad. not so bad at all.

Probably going to pay for it today, but FRUIT awaits me. If I can make it that long. May have Veggies for lunch, just in case.

I was once again given a large ration of Crap at the Parlor, in Bellevue. this time, it was for my purse. I pointed out the size of my companion’s purses, and was asked to check it anyway. I then pointed out a bag that was twice the size of either, and still was given CRAP by the lazy eyed bastard at the door.

When I approached the hapless girls at the concierge desk to check said bag, they responded with,

“We’re checking bags tonight?”

I started to cause a scene. But then left off.

I really, really hate that place. but we do business there on a fairly regular basis.

For the record, I was freshly shaved, was wearing sedate wool slacks, clean white shirt and a plain white undershirt, no hat, spiffy suspenders, and nice shoes.

And glasses, for pete’s sake.

Rant over.