first things first
Ordered a pizza yesterday. It was the first time in well over a year.
I did so, since for no real reason, I decided to walk around Magnolia and environs yesterday.
About 12 miles, all told. Felt great.
But takes a bit out of you. Time for yummy carbs.
Small Pizza came with breadsticks, and a slice of Mud pie. For those that are curious, that ended up being four meals for me. Once upon a time, that wouldn’t even have been one.
But I digress.
Walked up into Ballard today, and then back. The return trip was with a lighter wallet, but 40 some lbs of groceries, gifts, housewares and sundries.
I wore the new shoes and socks. Add another 5 miles to the tally
Combined with Friday’s marathon dance/drink/walk session, I’ve been working out pretty hard this weekend. Don’t have a pedometer at hand, but I do believe I have walked in the sandals of Pheidippides
Watch this space for more. I’m about to post tonight’s menu.
Because damn it, I’ve earned it.