
So, I hate shoes.

A lot.

It’s not that I don’t appreciate them, and what they do for me. Health benefits of shoes include:

Protection from the elements
Protection for hazardous road conditions (such as broken glass)
Cushioning of joint impacts, enabling easier physical activities such as running and dancing
Arch support

However, I have an off shaped foot (two of them, in fact), and shoes that don’t fit cause me pain. Since that’s pretty much any wearable shoe, I’ve been fighting this battle a very long time.

But, to the point.

Not only are most shies uncomfortable for me to wear, but there’s the time factor involved in getting them on and off, the side industry of laces, odor control, and socks.

And Socks are right there with shoes, for me.

But oddly enough, I can wear socks for a few hours without shoes before they bother me enough to come off. If I put on a pair of shoes without socks (no matter their condition, age, or “newness”) , my feet immediately begin to itch painfully, and I start developing blisters.

Put on a sock? Problem persists until I wash my feet. something I do several times daily, mind you. but it’s wacky.

Does anyone else have this problem?

P.S. Don’t EVEN get me started on Pants.