Those darned kids

Feel like crap, can’t sleep.

Clown won’t get me, but the memes will.

Too lazy to track it down, but despite attempting to skew the results in favor of Eccleston, I’m a Troughton. Go figure.

And that pesky career choice dealio returns these as the top ten.

1. Professor Very Good Match

2. Criminologist Very Good Match

3. Mathematician Very Good Match

4. Statistician Very Good Match

5. Writer Very Good Match

6. Certified Public Accountant Very Good Match

7. Hydrologist / Hydrogeologist Very Good Match

8. Actuary Very Good Match

9. Market Research Analyst Very Good Match

10. Researcher Very Good Match

Am I really that boring?

because the next in line is

11. Political Aide Very Good Match.

There are very few things in this world that do not involve bodily fluids or animals that I would like to do less.

My top 40 includes 4 brands of lawyer ( Including Judge), 15 brands of Scientist, 4 brands of entertainer, 6 kinds of clerk (traditional definition, not Hicks or Graves) and a whole lot of crazy.

But #1 is spot on. I have no idea upon what I would expound, but one of my life goals has been to teach night school English to working professionals, such as lawyers, journalists, and…teachers.

Also, I know stuff.

The one thing noticeably missing was Librarian, which may well be the next degree I pick up. Although technically,

21. Archivist Very Good Match

counts, neh?