
So, I was slightly worried that a couple bits of extra food, and quite a bit of extra drink here and there would throw me off my goal for the week.

Worry, smchurry.

Today is Friday, and I don’t carpool in. This means that I get slightly more sleep than normal, and in fact this is the first Friday I’ve worked in the office in quite some time. But of more import is that I got a full-ish 8 hours of sleep, rather than my normal 4-5.

That sleep is the amazing secret of weight loss. Almost moreso than the water

170 with a button this morning, with the 30″ waist. That “happy” feeling I’ve had since GenCon is still with me, despite a resurgence of headache and some altogether unwholesome anger that cropped up in the afternoon.

So, apart from a slight (i.e., major) episode of OCD yesterday, it was a pretty frickkin’ awesome day.

Tonight, I propose an outing of sorts. Happy hour is a given, as well as possibly a movie. there may indeed be dancing at some point.

I’ll give you a destination. Because I really, really want to go to Lombardi’s, in Ballard. Who’s with me?