Living in High Definition

I admit, I don’t make as much use of my cable service as I should.

In fact, until three days ago, I’d mainly watched Sportscenter and baseball games, and nothing else. My TIVO exists to serve media files from one room to another, and I rarely timeshift anything for viewing.

Mainly because I am quite behind on watching my DVD purchases, but also because I’ve had one hell of a summer.

But I digress.

For weeks, I’ve been looking forward to watching the Season Premiere of Heroes, in Glorious HD.

No exposition. It kinda sucked. The content was freaking awesome. Not having to monkey with the screen aspect and audio feed, similarly awesome.

But the picture quality was, put mildly, ass. It was in fact far worse than the standard definition DVDs of the first season, and possibly not worth the geld I paid out this afternoon to get a longer component video cable, to better utilize the space and new configuration of the living room.

I was thinking that it might have been the connecting cable itself. That in “skimping” on the extra $12, I’d made a mistake, and in fact had not improved my viewing experience.

Then, I watched the Season Premiere of CSI: Miami, in Glorious HD. It was awesome. The colors were amazing, the sounds kicked in and used every nook and cranny of the room, replete with LFE goodness. The Commercials were even better, and I was not forced to watch the same one three times in a row, and then subjected to endless “go online after the show and learn stuff you don’t know, so that you can feel superior to the other geeks” messaging.

Screw that. Horatio Caine makes a phone call, and SHIT HAPPENS.

To coin a phrase.

SO, now it’s 11 PM, and I’m prepping for bed.

I tune to Sportscenter in Glorious HD.

I remember now why I have Digital, HD cable.

It’s like looking through a window. It’s like sitting in the stands.

And somehow, Heroes now sucks just that much more.

Downloading the episode right now, in Glorious HD. Perhaps I’ll get lucky.