Huh, Go figure

So, here’s a funny thing.

I keep catching the flu, or rather, I keep presenting flu-like symptoms. I may break down and get a flu shot next week, since at this point, there’s really nothing to lose by not doing so.

Of course, my condition could equally be explained by a “perfect storm” of allergies (the seasons have indeed changed, releasing all sorts of nifty pollens and molds), Diet (I eat a LOT of fruit and veggies, which does tend to cause gas and…other things) and arthritis (long story: to sum up, my joints are beat all to hell or years of “hard” living in my teens) aggravated by the now cold and wet weather.

Today, not so good. I left work “early” (only put in 9 hours, what a slacker) yesterday, so that I could get home and relax in a good environment. I canceled my dinner/outing plans, and even turned down FREE BASEBALL TICKETS for last night’s game.

(the Mariners won, btw. As did the Pads)

Day 5 started more or less where Day 3 did, at a dehydrated and very achy 172. Usually the chaos of Day 4 is a cleansing and refocusing event, but that old familiar headache is creeping back into my life.

Plus, Sick.

with Nyquil commercials ringing in my brain, I sit here teleconferencing and prepping a lot of documents for contractors.

Because my office has now become a haven of sick. THEY’VE got the Chicken Pox. Or rather, Shingles.

I’ve had the former, been around the former a lot in the last few years, and nursed my partner through a particularly bad case of the latter, even sharing the same bed for the duration.

Sailed through without a scratch. Of course, I damn near didn’t make it the first time through as a kid, and was out of school for almost a month while I fought it off.

So, with my immune system compromised as it is, I’m going to be very, very careful about the office for the next few days/weeks. Because I sure as hell don’t want shingles.

So, while I’m not expressing symptoms, and I’m not feeling particularly poxy, I once again remind people that I really, really don’t like sharing drinks and/or food with other people. Not only does it trigger my dementia, but it can KILL YOUR ASS DEAD.