Too Busy
to update.
let me sum up
Awesome weekend with Dr.’s Misty and Janets (also toobusy to link their LJs). I have multiple funny stories. Food, friends, and fun all around.
Baseboru. Padres are not in the Playoffs, Mariners are not in the playoffs. Freaking Yankees are.
And that’s OK.
FOOTBALL! Hockey season has also begun, but this year I’m not so sure. It seems that everyone of note has retired.
That awesome feeling? Still going strong in my soul. I can trace the beginnings of it back to the beginning of July, and a conversation I had with one of my dearest freinds.
That horrifying ick? Still going on in my body. However, maintaining more or less just north of 170. And that ain’t half bad, all things considered.
I’ve bought a shitload of comic books in the last three weeks.
I’ve bought a similar number of DVDs.
I’ve bought a lot of CDs.
I’m up to date on two of the above sets, and the other will be so soon.
Soon being a completely relative term.
I’ve paid off some of a long-standing debt.
I’ve moved furniture, for a better viewing, listening, and living experience. I also created and hung art.
I’ve been a better man. At least, I hope I have been. time will tell.
End trans.