7 more
Request feedback as a comment, and I will pick seven of your “stated interestsâ€. You then explain your choice of them in your journal and iterate the meme.
When last we left our hero, he had received notice from Sibling Katana of Courteous Debate
rocky horror. What Can I say? I’m an old softie. What I will reveal is that I actually like the >movie< , as well as the attendant productions. It's tight, focused, and very funny. And I can hear the words (more on this later)
Plus, like Star Trek, there's a way to work it into every day life.
Be it. Don’t dream it.
j. michael straczynski Joe’s a good egg. like most of the creators on my list, I respect the stances, ideas, and work that he’s done. I’ve met the man on several occasions (both personal and professional), and he is exactly as he presents. Honest. Funny. Smart.
Once upon a time, I was putting together a small media convention in the PNW. Our first choice of guests was Joe, and he was very interested in coming, sharing, and being a part of our shindig.
And then, B5 got optioned up for a 3rd season, and the negotiations were scheduled for the weekend of our show. JMS was very gracious, and opened up his rolodex to us for other guests (and their agents). While >my< show didn't go off as planned, his did, and the experience of dealing with a true professional stays with me to this day. fencing I love swords, swordplay, and the discipline of position, action, reaction. I fenced all through school, and have my kit stored in this here closet, should I find a willing opponent. Of course, I’ll need another three weapon jacket, now that I’ve completed my deceleration.
any takers?
So, I am a practicing Buddhist. I say practicing, because I’m not as good as it as I’d like to be. I spent a lot of time looking for answers, trying to find a reason for continued existence that would justify the life I had led, and the things I had done.
I’ll not go into them here. Suffice to say, I self medicated for a very, very long time.
When I was young Bhagwan, I experienced something that could be described as Satori, but I now know to have been Kensho. I really had hit bottom , or at least I thought I had. Then, I realized that everything mattered, because nothing had meaning. I lived in it for 4 months, and eventually left it to rejoin the world.
Over the years since, I have come to realize that I could have accomplished my goals while remaining true to them. I have considered on many occasion a withdrawal, as recently as this summer. I still may, someday. but that day is not today. Probably not tomorrow, either, but I won’t know until the now is not now.
And stuff.
opera I love Opera. It is an art form in which the creator is the least relevant part of the experience, and the performance is the greatest. Attending an Opera, you know exactly what will happen. You are told in advance, and you are told as it happens. What makes Opera truly spectacular is that every time it is performed, it is an individual entity. It is not music. It is not musical theater. it is “Opera X, City Y, Time of performance Z.”
Also, since they are most often written in a language I do not speak, I can enjoy the voices without having to strain for the words. Being more than a little hard of hearing on one side, I have problems sometimes making out music, specifically songs.