Running hot

Slight fever, scratchy throat and general achey.

Headache like you wouldn’t believe, and it’s not due to dehydration. there are a raft of activities this weekend which seemed like a great idea, which now are downgraded to “that might be fun, if I feel better.”

So, of course, the odds are high that I’ll be doing them anyway.

Friday is as was Monday, with 172 as a comfy resting spot. Had a little extra oatmeal this morning, but I’m not pushing it. There are salad fixins in the fridge, and looking at the lineup, I believe fajitas are in order for later today. perhaps some soup.

And lemon tea. can’t forget the tea.

Trying to rest, but I’m “on call” again, with my prodigious brain ripe for the picking. I am easily distracted , though, and will need to leave the house at least once today. Options abound.

Also messing around with the home network some. With the Death of Cable (box), the two-TIVO system is more important to me, as I think I’ll be spending a lot of time computing/writing this winter.