
from teh Julz

The rules are adequately explained here.

asian cinema: I love movies of all kinds. I especially like movies that are able to make themselves “known” without the medium of a common languge or culture. Most Asian Cinema is derived not from our Western industry thinking, but from Noh theater and Chinese Opera.

Also, I like Heroes. I’ve never seen something from the other side of the pacific that didn’t have at least one, and many also feature a Protagonist as well.

tramp steamers. Asked and answered by another before Julz. It does seema romantic way to get around, but I’m not sure how relevant it will be until the same species of transport takes to the stars. I’ll be around, will you?

brainstorming. If I could do but one thing all day long, it would be to solve problems/puzzles. When presented with a situation, I have three responses:

Can this be done the way you (petitioner) want it to be done?

How can I accomplish this with the resources you (peritioner) have available?

How Would I do this “right?”

Since it’s actually my job to solve for all three, I feel very, very lucky at times.

george harrison I Liked John. I like Paul. I tolerate Ringo, and his media personality.

I loved George Harrison. Never had I experienced a more personal connection with an album than I did with Cloud Nine. And I’m counting some heavy hitters like Ghost in the Machine, ,Stop Making Sense, and James Taylor’s Greatest Hits in this analysis.

But I’ve liked H all my life. He was hands down my favorite of the fab four, and he remained true to his calling and beliefs much longer than the other three did. While not an HK myself, as a “zen” guy, he resonates for me still.

german games: the concept of “Speil” is far more ingrained in Erope than it is in the US and environs. I beleive it is because of their “family” centric culture that is present, but supressed in most American/Canadian households.

German games are made to be played. US games (post Korean War) are made to be purchased. There’s a big difference, in my mind.

chinese mythology See my comments on Comparative religion and Zen elswhere in this series. the Celestial Bueracracy is a fascinating study of sociodynamics in the “ancient” world. The Middle Kingdom lives on still, even under the PRC’s regime.

unconventional thinking: you can’t get more out of the box than me. I define the box, by my presence outside it. So I don’t like to be pigeonholed , stamped, filed, indexed, or numbered.

I always ask, “Why?” if I don’t get an answer, I am compelled to find one.